
学校の先生がみる我が子の宿題大公開 最難関中学受験 丸写しはしないでね     ☆読書感想文・自由研究公開中☆2020


『銀河鉄道の夜』☆本の紹介 英文 5年生

授業提出用、添削前のものです。 気になる点等、温かく見守りいただければ幸いです。 The Night of the Milky Way Train銀河鉄道の夜 Giovanni was two livings with ill mother.Giovanni was poor , he was very kind.One night, Giovanni got on the Milky…

英語 魚の紹介文「メダカ」5年生

killifish I have kept killifish.Killifish is a fish that Japanese people observe and enjoy. Also, it is used for studying scientificallyThe length is a small fish of about 3.5 centimeters.It lives in a small river or waterway whose flow is…

英語 魚の紹介文「トラフグ」 5年生

Tiger puffer Do you know Tiger puffer,Tora-fugu in Japanese?It is kind of fish. Tiger puffers are about 70 centimeters large.They have a black spot pattern in white color.In Japan,we can see them living in the coastal area from Hokkaido to…